The three H2020 partner projects, DigiGen, DIGMATEX and ySKILLS are investigating precisely these questions and the manifold associated phenomena. Just like the CO:RE project, these projects started in early 2020 and late 2019, respectively, but unfortunately, both the research and inter-project exchanges primarily took place online due to the pandemic. However, after a long period of remote meetings, from 3 to 6 May, the project members met for the first time in person to share and discuss initial results and upcoming challenges related to children’s lives in digitally transformed environments in Oslo. It was a quite remarkable experience to get together with over 70 colleagues from all over Europe after such a long break of travel and in-person meetings. The event was hosted by the CO:RE Ethics team at the University of Oslo (UiO) and co-organised by DigiGen at OsloMet. Laura Sorvala, a fantastic visual live transcriber, portrayed the projects and documented the inputs and discussions of all sessions.

The H2020 project coordinators, f.l.t.r.: Marco Hubert, coordinator of DIGYMATEX; Claudia Lampert, coordinator of CO:RE, Laura Sorvala, illustrator; Halla Holmarsdottìr, coordinator of DigiGen, and Leen d'Haenens, coordinator of ySKILLS.

Our Key Topics team at the University of Tartu used this get-together in Oslo to update thematic maps and associated planning for forthcoming publications and hosted a cross-project session on emerging topical currents and themes. Previous topic mappings have shown literacy, online safety and privacy, and learning and well-being as relevant themes in the field. However, partner project members added that questions of impact, (online) content, possibilities, and approaches to promote online skills are becoming increasingly pertinent.

Over the coming weeks and months, we will successively publish our takeup of the impulses from these intensive three days in the form of blog posts, short reports and the like, so stay tuned!
Those interested in the details and findings of the individual projects can find more information on the respective project websites of ySKILLS, Digigen and DIGYMATEX.

(c) DigiGen. | The CO:RE consortium thanks the coordinators of DigiGen at OsloMet for creating the opportunity to visit the Oslo City Hall, and Mayor Marianne Borgen for having us.