Before we can look into how well-being might be influenced by the use of digital technology, it is important to explain what well-being is. Well-being is a general term that refers to how well individuals are doing in life [2]. It comprises social, physical, and subjective dimensions of well-being. Physical well-being consists of health perception, the absence of disease, and physical functionality; psychological well-being includes the presence of positive and the absence of negative affects; and social well-being covers the quality of relationships with others and includes social belonging, social acceptance, and social integration [3].
Subjective wellbeing refers to the "subjective evaluations of one's life, including both cognitive evaluations and affective feelings". [2, p. 3]
It is important for everyone to have a good level of wellbeing because it will help to cope with life, contribute to society, and achieve the best of their ability [4].
Wellbeing is sometimes confused with mental health. However, they mean different things. Mental health can be understood as a continuum between positive mental states, i.e., psychological functioning and normal emotions, and mental health conditions, those with a clinically diagnosable condition [2, p 43]. Positive mental health is essential if children are to flourish and lead rich and fulfilling lives. It provides a solid foundation for all aspects of development. It is therefore important to pay enough attention to children and young people’s mental health [5], remain alert and to offer the necessary support when needed.
Many things can contribute to a child or young person being mentally well. These aspects are relevant to all children and young people, not just those with difficulties or vulnerabilities. They include physical health and well-being, nutrition and exercise, family, relationships, education, leisure time and social life, and a sense of confidence and self-esteem [6].
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