Children and young people use the internet and digital media as an integrated part of their everyday lives. It is therefore important to conduct research to understand more about how these technologies are used, about associated risks and opportunities, and about the consequences of these for children and young people’s everyday lives and well-being. Engaging children and young people in online research however introduces a range of ethical considerations. These arise throughout the research process, and include how participants are recruited and how informed consent is secured. Considerations also relate to how data is accessed, stored and managed, and how data ownership is negotiated. Research that involves children and young people also requires consideration of how research-based relationships are constructed and maintained, and how vulnerable research participants can be supported. Finally researchers need to consider how online data can be analysed and research findings disseminated. Further important considerations relate to how online research introduces new challenges regarding the relative publicity and privacy of data, how it generally involves networks of users and audiences and how the identity of research participants can be validated.