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HomeEvidence Base & Data Directory
The Evidence Base references scientific research projects and publications focusing on the broad area of children online across Europe and are available for researchers, policymakers and educators.
The Data Directory is a systematic and comprehensive European data register linking to data sets available for re-analysis in the field.
The CO:RE Data Explorer provides a quick access to data on children's online experiences in Europe. It is an extract of the data collected as part of the EU Kids Online survey 2020 (cf. Smahel et al. 2020).

Researchers & Young Scholars
Researchers & Young Scholars
CO:RE offers a great variety of tools, resources, materials and guidelines for early career and experienced researchers to better navigate theories, methods and research ethical matters.

Educators & Teachers
Educators & Teachers
CO:RE provides information and materials to foster dialogue on children's and young people's experiences online in educational contexts.
Explore our resources and toolkits
The Evidence Base and Data Directory offer access to 1,500+ publications and 1,000 studies from 35 pan-European countries published since 2014.
The theories and methods toolkits offer early career and experienced researchers supporting materials, guidelines and resources to navigate theoretical and methodological issues in research practice together with children and young people. The compass for research ethics additionally provides guidance on issues related to research-ethical questions.
Forthcoming in 2022: The toolkit for educators provides information and materials to foster dialogue on children's and young people's experiences online in educational contexts. And the resources for policymakers address relevant policy issues and foster a dialogue between actors in research and policy-making.
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Here you find all info about stakeholder activities, public events, project publications, blog posts, and much more!

Theories: health and wellbeing : Health and wellbeing - a guided reading list with key texts

Theories: skills and literacies : Skills and literacies - a guided reading list with key texts

We’re celebrating... : ... the soft launch of the CO:RE Knowledge Base!

Theories: A practitioners’ perspective : Discussing classifications of risk with Insafe and INHOPE child practitioners
Theories : Key experts talk to us about their use of theory in our theories vlog series

Theories: policy and regulation : Policy and regulation - a guided reading list with key texts

Theories: opportunities and benefits : Opportunities and benefits - a guided reading list with key texts

Theories: access : Access - a guided reading list with key texts

Theories: digital enviroment : Digital enviroment - a guided reading list with key texts

Theories: children and young people : Children and young people - a guided reading list with key texts