Video: "What is theory and what is it for?" with Sonia Livingstone
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Podcast: series "Theory Calling" with Sonia Livingstone.

Sonia Livingstone FBA, OBE is a Professor of Social Psychology at the Department of Media and Communications at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She has published 20 books including “The Class: Living and Learning in the Digital Age.” She directs the projects “Children’s Data and Privacy Online,” “Global Kids Online” (with UNICEF) and “Parenting for a Digital Future”, and she is Deputy Director of the UKRI-funded “Nurture Network.” Since founding the 33-country EU Kids Online network, Sonia has advised the UK government, European Commission, European Parliament, Council of Europe, OECD and UNICEF.
Question-based excerpts from the theories vlog series
Sonia Livingstone on the dilemmas of choosing our concepts and theories
Sonia Livingstone on the dilemmas of choosing our concepts and theories-
Experts discuss the role of theory in disseminating research Theories : Experts discuss the role of theory in disseminating research
Experts’ views on the current theoretical arguments and debates Theories : Experts’ views on the current theoretical arguments and debates
Experts discuss the key theories and concepts they use the most Theories : Experts discuss the key theories and concepts they use the most
Kaveri Subrahmanyam on her approach to developing and updating theory Theories : Kaveri Subrahmanyam on her approach to developing and updating theory
Hans Martens on how to apply theory to practice Theories : Hans Martens on how to apply theory to practice
Experts’ views on significant changes in how disciplines theorise about children Theories : Experts’ views on significant changes in how disciplines theorise about children
Experts’ views on the concepts that they consider contested or less helpful for theorising Theories : Experts’ views on the concepts that they consider contested or less helpful for theorising
Experts discuss what disciplines and traditions influenced their work Theories : Experts discuss what disciplines and traditions influenced their work
Experts discuss their experiences of theorising from evidence and linking theory and evidence Theories : Experts discuss their experiences of theorising from evidence and linking theory and evidence
Experts’ views on the concepts that we should pay more attention to Theories : Experts’ views on the concepts that we should pay more attention to
Sonia Livingstone on the dilemmas of choosing our concepts and theories Theories : Sonia Livingstone on the dilemmas of choosing our concepts and theories
Uwe Hasebrink on the experience of the CO:RE project and synthesising evidence Theories : Uwe Hasebrink on the experience of the CO:RE project and synthesising evidence
Lynn Schofield Clark on how different disciplines approach theory development Theories : Lynn Schofield Clark on how different disciplines approach theory development
Full expert interviews from the theories vlog series
Sonia Livingstone on the dilemmas of choosing our concepts and theories
Sonia Livingstone on the dilemmas of choosing our concepts and theories-
Nóirín Hayes on Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological theory Theories : Nóirín Hayes on Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological theory
Renee Hobbs on media literacy education Theories : Renee Hobbs on media literacy education
Kate Cowan on multimodal social semiotics and the study of play Theories : Kate Cowan on multimodal social semiotics and the study of play
Ola Erstad on the sociocultural theory of learning Theories : Ola Erstad on the sociocultural theory of learning
John Hartley on theory-making, digital media, and children from a cultural point of view Theories : John Hartley on theory-making, digital media, and children from a cultural point of view
Amanda Third on changing normative perspectives on children’s digital lives Theories : Amanda Third on changing normative perspectives on children’s digital lives
Elisabeth Staksrud on children’s agency and the shift to prioritise children’s rights Theories : Elisabeth Staksrud on children’s agency and the shift to prioritise children’s rights
Ellen Wartella on grand theory, multidisciplinary, child development and theorising from the margins Theories : Ellen Wartella on grand theory, multidisciplinary, child development and theorising from the margins
Uwe Hasebrink on overstating media change, concerns about media effects and building theory from research Theories : Uwe Hasebrink on overstating media change, concerns about media effects and building theory from research
David Finkelhor on using evidence to disarm alarmist misconceptions about child online victimisation Theories : David Finkelhor on using evidence to disarm alarmist misconceptions about child online victimisation
Sonia Livingstone on disarming technological determinism and moral panic Theories : Sonia Livingstone on disarming technological determinism and moral panic
Introducing the CO:RE theories vlog series: an interview series with experts in the field of children and media Theories : Introducing the CO:RE theories vlog series: an interview series with experts in the field of children and media
Explore further CO:RE resources on theory
Sonia Livingstone on the dilemmas of choosing our concepts and theories
Sonia Livingstone on the dilemmas of choosing our concepts and theories-
Responding to online risk to children: what does good practice look like? #SaferInternetDay : Responding to online risk to children: what does good practice look like?
Theorising online opportunities for children: learning, play and civic participation Theories : Theorising online opportunities for children: learning, play and civic participation
Children's media use: the role of social support Theories : Children's media use: the role of social support
Digital access: theoretical approaches Theories : Digital access: theoretical approaches
Classics made modern: Revisiting foundational child development theories in the digital age Theories : Classics made modern: Revisiting foundational child development theories in the digital age
How was the toolkit developed? Theories : How was the toolkit developed?
How can theories be applied to policy and practice? Theories : How can theories be applied to policy and practice?
Talking theory to stakeholders: the challenge of changing the public discourse Theories : Talking theory to stakeholders: the challenge of changing the public discourse
Reading list
A guided reading list with key texts on nine key topics Theories: bibliography : A guided reading list with key texts on nine key topics
How to update existing theory? Theories : How to update existing theory?
How to make a theoretical contribution to the field? Theories : How to make a theoretical contribution to the field?
Webinar, Blog
The impact of digital experiences on young people with mental health vulnerabilities Theories webinar series : The impact of digital experiences on young people with mental health vulnerabilities
Reading list
Social support - a guided reading list with key texts Theories: social support : Social support - a guided reading list with key texts
Reading list
Risk and harm - a guided reading list with key texts Theories: risk and harm : Risk and harm - a guided reading list with key texts
Reading list
Health and wellbeing - a guided reading list with key texts Theories: health and wellbeing : Health and wellbeing - a guided reading list with key texts
Reading list
Skills and literacies - a guided reading list with key texts Theories: skills and literacies : Skills and literacies - a guided reading list with key texts
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Reading list
Policy and regulation - a guided reading list with key texts Theories: policy and regulation : Policy and regulation - a guided reading list with key texts
Reading list
Opportunities and benefits - a guided reading list with key texts Theories: opportunities and benefits : Opportunities and benefits - a guided reading list with key texts
Reading list
Access - a guided reading list with key texts Theories: access : Access - a guided reading list with key texts
Reading list
Children and young people - a guided reading list with key texts Theories: children and young people : Children and young people - a guided reading list with key texts
Reading list
Theorising - a guided reading list with key texts Theories: guidance on theorising : Theorising - a guided reading list with key texts
Blog, Webinar
Online opportunities for children Theories webinar series : Online opportunities for children
Children online: from findings to frameworks Theories : Children online: from findings to frameworks
4 Cs of online risk: Short report & blog on updating the typology of online risks to include content, contact, conduct, contract risks CO:RE Short Report on Key Topics : 4 Cs of online risk: Short report & blog on updating the typology of online risks to include content, contact, conduct, contract risks
Blog, Webinar
Children and the digital environment Theories webinar series : Children and the digital environment
Blog, Webinar
Understanding online risks for children Theories webinar series : Understanding online risks for children
Blog, Webinar
Digital technologies in the lives of children and young people Theories webinar series : Digital technologies in the lives of children and young people
Blog, Webinar
Digital skills, literacies and citizenship Theories webinar series : Digital skills, literacies and citizenship
Blog, Webinar
Understanding children’s wellbeing in a digital world Theories webinar series : Understanding children’s wellbeing in a digital world
On the concepts we use and what theory is good for Theories : On the concepts we use and what theory is good for